Medical Homes Program
Welcome to our virtual Health Kit!
Here is the check list and steps to completion:
There are several ways to complete your Health Kit.
1.) In Person with Clinic Staff. Call us to set up a time to come in, 414-931-6670.
2.) Hybrid via a device and in person screenings and navigation appointments.
The first step in this Medical Homes Program is to take the Pre-Quiz Survey. You can access it by clicking the link below and answering 21, very brief questions.
The second step is to go through each Health Topic below. Each Health Topic consists of articles, videos, and a short survey.
Part 1
Preventing Type 2 Diabetes (By Wisconsin Women’s Health Foundation, 1 page.
Choose More than 50 Ways to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes (By National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 4 pages.
Diabetes in Black Americans: How to Lower Your Risk (By Everyday Health, 5 pages.
Part 2
12 Symptoms of Diabetes, when your blood glucose is so high, symptoms? By Health Link
Part 3
Completion of 4 question Survey Monkey quiz based on the 12 Symptoms of Diabetes when your blood glucose is so high, symptoms? video.
*Must get 3 answers correct to complete. You are able to retake the test
Part 1
What is High Blood Pressure? (By American Heart Association, 2 pages.
What About African Americans and High Blood Pressure? (By American Heart Association, 2 pages.
Know Your Risk Factors for High Blood Pressure (By American Heart Association, 4 pages.
Changes You Can Make to Manage High Blood Pressure (By American Heart Association, 3 pages.
Part 2
Hypertension and life style modification, By Health Link
Tochi M. Okwuosa, DO, on factors that lead to hypertension in the African-American community (By American Medical Association (AMA)
Part 3
Completion of 4 question Survey Monkey quiz based on Hypertension and life style modification video
*Must get 3 answers correct to complete. You are able to retake the test.
Part 1
Heart Disease (By Mayo Clinic, 8 pages.
Prevention and Treatment of High Cholesterol (Hyperlipidemia) (By American Heart Association, 3 pages.
Part 2
LDL Cholesterol and Heart Disease Risk, By Health Link
Part 3
Completion of 4 question Survey Monkey quiz based on LDL Cholesterol and Heart Disease Risk video
*Must get 3 answers correct to complete. You are able to retake the test.
Part 1
Mental Health Facts & Resources (By Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 2 pages.
Part 2
Mental Health Wellness Tips, By Psych Hub
Part 3
Completion of 4 question Survey Monkey quiz based on Mental Health Wellness Tips video
*Must get 3 answers correct to complete. You are able to retake the test.
Part 1
COVID-19 Vaccine FAQs for Patients, By Project Finish Line, 2 pages.
COVID-19: Where you can get vaccinated (By Wisconsin Department of Health Services, 1 page Wisconsin Department of Health Services, 1 page.
Part 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Informational Video Montage (By Project Finish Line
Real Talk: The COVID-19 Vaccines (By Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin
Part 3
Completion of 4 question Survey Monkey quiz based on COVID-19 Vaccine Informational Video Montage
*Must get 3 answers correct to complete. You are able to retake the test
The last step we ask that you please take the Post Survey Quiz by clicking the link below. The survey is only 10 questions long. We thank you for taking this health journey with us. Thank you.
Health Navigation includes finding a primary provider, navigating the health system, finding a medical home, and obtaining health insurance.
Health Screenings will include checking your blood pressure, blood sugar, and Body Mass Index (BMI).
To schedule an appointment for Health Navigation and/or Health Screenings please give us a call at 414-931-6670.